Angus Energy Appeal
Angus Energy submitted their appeal against the WSCC refusal of planning permission to flow test at Lower Stumble. The appeal with be decided by written representations, hearings procedures or inquiries procedures.
The documentation of the appeal is available on the WSCC website and contains the following documents:
Angus Energy Statement of Case
WSCC Statement of Case
The WSCC Committee voted unanimously to refuse Angus Energy’s application to extract drilling fluids and conduct an extended well test at Lower Stumble, Balcombe..
The Council’s Planning and Rights of Way Committee resolved that planning permission be refused for the following reason:
The proposed development would represent major development in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, for which there are no exceptional circumstances, and which is not in the public interest. There are alternative sources of hydrocarbon supply, both indigenous and imported, to meet the national need, there would be minimal benefit to the local economy from the development, and there is scope for meeting the need in some other way, outside of nationally designated landscapes. It would therefore be
contrary to Policies M7a and M13 of the West Sussex Joint Local Minerals Plan (2018) and paragraphs 170 and 172 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
The details of the case are as follows on the Planning Inspectorate Website:
Appellant/Applicant: Angus Energy Weald Basin No.3 Ltd
Agent: Mr Paul Foster
Site Address: Lower Stumble Exploration Site, London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6JH
Case Details Dates
Case Type: Planning Appeal (W)
Start Date: 10 Feb 2022
Local Planning Authority :West Sussex County Council Questionnaire due 17 Feb 2022
Statement(s) due: 31 Mar 2022
Case Officer: Jacky Parsons
Interested Party Comments due: 17 Mar 2022
Procedure: Written representations
Appellant/LPA Final Comments due: 14 Apr 2022
Status: In Progress
Inquiry Evidence due: N/A
Decision and Outcome: Not yet decided
Event Date: Not arranged
Case Link Status: Not Linked
Decision Date: Not yet decided