Public meeting about oil-drilling in Sussex and Surrey
FFBRA is delighted to announce that residents from Brockham in Surrey will be talking at a public meeting in Bramble Hall about Angus Energy’s oil drilling in their village. Everyone is welcome. 8.00-9.30 pm, 24th January, Bramble Hall, Balcombe. Learn what they have discovered about acidification, earthquakes and permitting.
There are many similarities between Balcombe and Brockham. Both have old wells drilled in the 1980s, and new wells drilled recently. The two villages share very similar shale geology (as does much of the High Weald), and both have Angus Energy as the operator of the current permit.
Having flow-tested the shale well at Balcombe in September, Angus Energy have moved on to Brockham, where they already have a production permit.
We in Balcombe have much to learn from the experience of our friends in Brockham, particularly about fund-raising and monitoring.
It will be a very enlightening evening. Do come.