WSCC Planning Committee – January 2018
Published by FFBRA on
The Planning Committee was held at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday 9 January 2018 at County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RQ
- The Planning Committee started at 10.30am and was broadcast live on the WSCC website
- Chris Bartlett the Planning Case Officer from WSCC introduced the application
- The application received 2739 objections, 11 in support and 4 raising concerns
- Sue Taylor, representing Balcombe Parish Council “In summary, Balcombe Parish Council opposes this application, as do the majority of Balcombe residents.”
- Helen Savage, representing FFBRA “You can say no! And for the sake of my children, of all the children at the Balcombe School and Buttercup Barn nursery, and of the residents old and young of our lovely village, I ask you to reject the application.”
- John Scates, representing FFBRA spoke against the application
- Cuadrilla spoke in support of the application
- Rodney Jago spoke in support of the application “protestors were allowed to block the road for hours of end” and “I urge you to approve the application”
- George Cramp spoke in support of the application “I live in Balcombe not far from the well head” and “the noise level is minimal and pollution insignificant”
- Amendments and informatives were proposed, discussed and voted on including traffic management around school drop off and pickup times
- The Planning Committee voted to grant temporary permission
The Planning Committee voted on 9th January 2018 to grant temporary permission for exploration and appraisal for oil and gas at the existing Balcombe site subject to a number of amended conditions. A unanimous vote.
To consider and determine the following application: WSCC/040/17/BA Temporary permission for exploration and appraisal comprising the flow testing and monitoring of the existing hydrocarbon lateral borehole along with site security fencing, the provision of an enclosed testing flare and site restoration. Lower Stumble Hydrocarbon Exploration Site, London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6JH