We have a court date

Published by Malcolm Kenward on

Our legal challenge  is scheduled for the 28th, 29th January 2025. The case will be heard in the Court of Appeal in London by three judges.

This gives us more time to raise the necessary funds. We’ve updated our Crowd Justice site with our new target of 216 days from today for raising the funds we need to go to court.

All donations, of any amount, will help us achieve our funding target.


You can also contribute directly to FFBRA

Bank transfer to: Frack Free Balcombe, Sort Code 608301, Account number 20317139

Cheque to: Frack Free Balcombe, Abercorn, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, RH17 6LL

Green Fields Not Oil Fields

If you would like to know more, please email suetaylorbalcombe@gmail.com or telephone 01444 819 329