WSCC Planning Committee

Published by FFBRA on

The consultation on the “Temporary permission for exploration and appraisal comprising the flow testing and monitoring of the existing hydrocarbon lateral borehole along with site security fencing, the provision of an enclosed testing flare and site restoration” lodged by Cuadrilla on the 27th October 2017 has now closed.

The application will be determined by Planning Committee at County Hall in Chichester on Tuesday, 9th January 2018. You can see the full application online at West Sussex County Council’s website

Please contact your local councillor and the planning committee to ensure that they take into account your opinion on the proposal. The planning committee are listed below:

Mr Bill Acraman – Electoral division Worth Forest –

Lt Cdr Noel Atkins – 
Mr Andrew Barrett-Miles – 
Lt Col George Barton – 
Mr Ian Buckland – 
Mr Duncan Crow – Chairman –
Mrs Janet Duncton –
Mrs Liz Kitchen – Vice Chairman –
Mr Nigel Jupp –
Mr Simon Oakley – 
Mr Ashvin Patel – 
Mr Brian Quinn –
Mrs Jacquie Russell – 
Mr Sujan Wickremaratchi –

Categories: CuadrillaWSCC